
I am exploring how noticing what our bodies feel can help us generate consensual interdependence, question dogma, and develop greater responsiveness to the ever-shifting nature of self and togetherness.

I offer care from a biopsychosocial perspective; I think we all deserve to be encountered with our wholeness and complexity acknowledged.

My practice endeavors to witness our collective entanglement. I am interested in how systems and convention impact people, and how ideas about bodies are felt in our bodies. I hope our time together teaches both you and me to associate more comfortably with ourselves and engage more openly in supporting and acknowledging others.

Attending to our felt sense helps us understand ourselves individually and cooperatively. When we are centered in our awareness, we are able to operate from intention rather than reactivity. Through touch we can experience the simultaneity of our interrelatedness and our distinct identities. Holding multiplicity alongside intersubjectivity helps us practice vulnerability and safety in connection, two critical skills for survival and reciprocity.

I am organized around resilience and curiosity. My care for you is positioned (as I think all care work is) through my lived experience and the ideas I’ve studied. I’m a queer, politically progressive person of Central and Eastern European descent who belongs to my friends and family. These parts of me I’m naming are important, and importantly they are not all there is to me.

You are welcome in my practice whether or not we share perspectives or identities; my work is relational and attempts to resist either/or thinking. I am available for meta-conversation about our interactions, and I am open to questions, feedback, and critique.

In my own healing, trauma informed therapies along with psychedelics and other plant medicines have and continue to provide me with personal context for understanding who and how I am in self and community.

I have practiced meditation since childhood, and, at times, I have been committed to other spiritual practices. At the moment, I am being here now.